Decatur, Illinois

Decatur, Illinois
Curve-In, Fairview Avenue

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Still Missing! Please Help.

In about a month, the reunion of the Class of 1965 will take place. We are still looking for some missing people. Can you help?

From the Class of 1965, MacArthur High School, Decatur, Illinois, the following people are still missing.

Do you have any information about them?

1    Barb Baker
2    Donna Barfield Barlow
3    Floyd Campbell    [Found ~ 2.4.2011]
4    Darrilyn Castelli Lewis
5    Robert T. Cross
6    Annie Kate Currie
7    Diana Dotson
8    Carolyn Elbert Camp
9    Sharon Goldman
10    Pam Goodwin Kemp
11    Shirley Grupe McCartney
12    Maria Lynn Harris
13    Michelle Highley Zaba
14    Robert F. Hunter
15    Barbara J. King
16    Jim Douglas Klausmeier
17    Joan McElrath
18    Darrell Lynn Miller
19    Leslie (Skip) T. Perks
20    Susan Ramsey
21    Kathy Elaine Reeter
22    Linda Mae Rutherford
23    Joanne Marie Singleton
24    Nancy Smith
25    Jeanette Anne Sullivan
26    Carolyn Trudy Summer Cummings
27    Joanne Elizabeth Taylor
28    Lucille Paulette Taylor
29    Claudia Voelcker
30    Lamae Wachholz
31    Linda Jane White Edelhofer
32    Charles Winegardner

Contact me,, if you do, and I'll pass it on to the Reunion Committee.

Thank you.