The Collins family, via Phil Clark (Mac '65), has passed the following announcement along about the upcoming Steve Collins (Mac '65) Memorial Service:
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your cards and condolences on Steve's death on May 1 [2010] and for sharing your memories. Steve was at a great place in his life when he left us--very happy to think he had beaten cancer and contented to be pursuing his many interests and spending time with friends. He had just retired (for the second time, the first being his Navy retirement) two and a half years ago.
Steve was buried in Green Bay on May 15. His memorial service will be this Saturday, June 5, at 5:00 pm Eastern time in Bradenton, Florida. The memorial service Part 1 will be in a garden pavillon at Mixon's Fruit Farm in Bradenton. Part 2 will involve alcohol, fireworks and lots of laughs at his house following the memorial service.
Mixon's has a webcam at the pavillion so you can logon and watch the service if you want. To get to the site, go to http://www.mixonevents.com, then Weddings. From the drop down table, go to Live Cam. On that page, click on Launch Pavillion View.
Kitty Collins
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